Koma Junior High School
History of Koma junior high school
Welcome to Koma Junior High School

Study hard ・ Enrich the mind ・ Grow strong

Address:              Umehara 350
                         Hidaka city, Saitama PrefectureJapan

Telephone:          042-989-1017
Founding day:      May 2nd

The Model Koma Student

A student who has pride in Koma. (cultural)

A student who is a self-starter. (intellectual)

A student who interacts with people from the heart. (moral)

A student who sets high goals and takes on challenges. (physical)

     At Koma Junior High School we promote a positive and cheerful learning environment.

    We have 4 main traditions at this school.

No Chime - Students must keep track of their own time schedule.

School Events - Coming-of-Age Ceremony, Annual River Cleaning, etc.

Cleaning - Students work in groups to clean the school daily.

Greeting - Students are encouraged to greet each other brightly.

     In addition to learning in the classroom, we believe that students will learn discipline,

      teamwork, independent thinking and many other important life skills through these 4
